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April 19, 2018, Madrid, Spain |

ITS Spain awards the DGT for the Comprehensive Beacons System installed by SICE on the A8 highway

ITS España Congreso

On the occasion of the 18th Spanish Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems held in Madrid from April 17th to 19th, ITS Spain (organizing entity) wanted to award Spanish Traffic Authority (DGT) for the new Comprehensive Beacon System for fog banks installed on the A8 (Mondoñedo-Lugo). Also, Mr. Gregorio Serrano, DGT General Director, got an award from Mr. Sebastián de la Rica, ITS Spain’s national president.

The vehicle range prevention system using detection beacons (installed by SICE at the end of February) has been in operation for short time period. Nevertheless, it has already proved to be extremely effective as a prevention range system. This solution is in line with SICE’s intelligent signaling system for dangerous crossings: cost-effective solutions concerning road safety.

On the other hand, during the first day of the Congress, Spanish Traffic and Transport sector expressed its appreciation for Mr. Ángel Guerra Zalabardo’s (SICE Tecnología y Sistemas Group’s CEO until t a few weeks ago) for "his long professional career and for his important contribution to the development of Intelligent Transport Systems in Spain and from Spain".