SICE has over 30 years of experience in the toll sector and has delivered more than 40 projects on time and budget utiizing different technologies (manual, automatic, ETC, free-flow and shadow tolls).
SICE offers the following services and solutions that are frequently required in this area:
Design, development, installation and commissioning of all levels of traditional toll systems based on channeled lanes, with or without barriers, trunk route or secondary toll stations and their control centre(s) for centralized management to ensure correct toll payments and related information. The management of different payment methods accepted by concessionaires, the use of pre- and/or post-classification with sensors upon request by each customer, the incorporation of electronic tolls in dedicated (rapid) or mixed/combined operating modes, and the use of a range of video enforcement cameras, place SICE at the forefront of the implementation of these types of systems worldwide.
Integral or partial multi-lane free-flow toll solutions both on gantries (roadside equipment) and in the control centre (back office) to manage the electronic charging of tolls based on tags (electronic tolls) and/or license plates (video tolling), ranging from the free passage of vehicles through the infrastructure to the management of customer accounts (post-payment, pre-payment, fleets and infrequent users) as well as the management of possible violators.
SICE's commercial back office (BIS) is a multi-concession customer account and billing management system that allows in-house payment methods of one or several toll concessionaires to be managed. This includes accounts management, management of physical payment support (OBUs, proximity cards, etc.), user websites, processing transits with these payment methods, billing customers and system administration, as well as the management of interfaces with external entities, (banks, license plate databases, etc.).
For schemes where corresponding government organizations pay tolls to the concessionaire based on the numbers and type of vehicles driving on the roads subject to toll charges, or the availability of traffic on these roads, SICE provides traffic engineering and designs, supplies, installs and commissions shadow toll solutions, both for measuring traffic quantity and quality as well as for audit and control center systems.