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April 08, 2016, Badajoz, Spain |

SICE executes the final phase of a global communications infrastructure creation project for the city of Badajoz

Ayuntamiento Badajoz

Badajoz city council awards SICE the last installation phase of the optical fibre backbone line that will allow to interconnect the municipal buildings spread around the town centre. With this work, two rings of 48 fibres that almost surround the town centre are finished.
This optical fibre network, in addition to interconnect these buildings, provides coverage to the traffic centralization system, the closed-circuit television and to other systems installed in the city. This is not the first time the company gets in touch with this project, since Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas, S.A. also developed the previous phases.
The city council’s objective is to create a communication infrastructure that covers the whole city, connecting the current systems and which could be used subsequently to add technological content that improves citizens’ quality of life and helps make Badajoz a sustainable city.