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April 23, 2018, Asturias, Spain |

SICE will carry out the maintenance and operation of tunnels on several roads in the Principality of Asturias

Tunel Picaplana

SICE will carry out the maintenance and operation works based at the Riaño Control Centre for the tunnels located on the roads: AS-I (Mieres-Gijón), AS-15 (Cornellana-Puerto de Cerredo) Rañadoiro Tunnel, AS-17 (Avilés-Puerto de Tarna) Riaño Tunnel and OV-7 (HUCA accesses) La Monxina Tunnel.

The two-year contract includes the following works:

  • Control service of the facilities with continued presence of the staff at the Riaño Control Centre.
  • Communications service to ensure that third parties can communicate at any time with the operators and conversely. This service shall enable communications between the teams carrying out maintenance and operation work or services on the track and between the formers and those responsible for operation and maintenance management.
  • Preventive and corrective maintenance and external damages on installations included in the contract.
  • Service and warnings for the emergency services, 112, fire brigade and others involved with incidents on the Principality of Asturias’ road network.
  • Tunnels’ operation and maintenance on several Principality of Asturias’ network roads.

Prior to this contract, SICE has integrated the installations of these tunnels into its SIDERA software, implemented in the Riaño Control Centre. The company has also carried out the installations on several of the priority tunnels to be maintained (Cadaval-Riaño, San Tirso, Zorera) and the Riaño control center which will be the basis for maintenance.

SICE has be involved in the installations of part of the rest of the tunnels in the Asturian network (Deboyu, El Corbero, Riaño, La Calabaza, La Madera) also linked to this contract.