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March 31, 2015, Madrid, Spain |

The Madrid City Council bolsters its confidence in SICE by extending for one more year the Contract for management of the telecommunications infrastructure

Infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones

The almost 1,000 offices of the Town Hall and all the people working on them require from SICE to provide telecommunication solutions and define technical requirements according to the specific needs in each case. The company offers a wide range of services, ranging from network design to the platform operation management, support to every internal request (control of incidents, breakdowns, etc.), studies of technical feasibility for new projects, raise options and upgrades, incorporation of new technologies, contingency plans etc.

By development of this activity, Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas, S.A. (SICE) has identified four major areas:

  1. Radio communications system: SICE manages all TETRA network (almost 5,000 terminals) providing service to Municipal police, firefighters, Samur and Civil protection, Social Samur, mobility agents, etc. The TETRA network consists of 20 base stations interconnected by a transport network (protected and redundant) of point to point links in the radio band.
  2. Council telephone network: covers the management of 23,000 telephone extensions divided in 13,500 IP telephony lines with CISCO electronics, 2,500 switchboard lines BP from Ericsson, 1,800 regular lines, 3,700 mobile lines for voice/Internet and 1,500 mobile lines for data.
  3. IAM Data network: includes 72 ONO nodes for the municipal corporate network linked by 7 rings JDS, 300 lines Macrolan, 250 ADSL lines, 500 WIFI Access points and 150 otherwise lines (Frame Relay, point-to-point, Cobrelan, ISDN etc.)


