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April 26, 2018, Gipuzkoa, Spain |

Guipúzcoa provincial government starts the traffic data plans for the road network in Guipúzcoa

Aforo 1

Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, Guipúzcoa’s Provincial Council in coordination with the Department of Transport Infrastructure of the Basque Government and the Ministry of Public Works, carries out annual gauging plans on the road network in Guipúzcoa. The data obtained from the gauging plan makes it possible to evaluate traffic volume on roads. This information is essential for the network planning as well as for determining maintenance plans, obtaining hazard indices and, consequently, implementing road safety plans.

SICE, the last awarded company of the communication project for primary and secondary traffic data stations and coverage with loops, will use a specific methodology for sampling and data collection, requiring several types of stations:

  • Permanent stations: mainly located in the preferential, basic and regional road network. Information is continuously and exhaustively obtained.
  • Primary stations: located in every network, except the local one.
  • Secondary stations: located in every network, except the local one they aim at the previous two ones.
  • Coverage stations: located in every network and are intended to complement the information collected from other stations. A coverage traffic data station is located in every uniform traffic area which the road network can be divided in order to provide traffic statistics.

The main objective of this project is the installation of a gauging system connected to the existing induction loops, a communication modem and solar panels in 40 non-permanent gauging stations that have loops and are distributed along the road network of the Historical Territory of Gipuzkoa. The project also includes the installation of a computer application in the Miramón Mobility Management Centre for data collection from the aforementioned equipment, so that, the information collected by this equipment is available in the Miramón Mobility Management Centre without having to go physically at every station to obtain the data collected, and on the other hand the equipment can work in standalone mode, so there is no need to periodically replace their batteries.