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April 24, 2018, Madrid, Spain |

SICE will install the communications network in 39 ventilation shafts of Metro de Madrid


SICE will carry out the IP connectivity of 39 ventilation shafts in Metro de Madrid's centralized systems.

This project foresees the implementation of a four-kilometer-long fiber optic cable and UTP cable. In addition, the communications network will have communications booths inside the wells, including switch and IP telephone.

Once SICE completes the actions of integrating the few in the central systems, Metro de Madrid will be able to control, through the centralization systems at both station and central station level, the switching on and off of the ventilation, as well as its speed, and monitor other parameters such as pressure.

The implementation of this project is caused by the need to carry out remote control over the ventilation shafts (currently, this control is locally and physically done despite the fact that tunnel sites are difficult to access), allowing operations to be more agile.