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October 11, 2013, Madrid, Spain |

SICE awarded a contract for the maintenance and operation of the Duero's AWQIS


SICE is taking on this contract with the intention of taking full advantage of the company's experience and knowledge of the AWQIS system, as it is one of the companies that designed, constructed and currently maintains this system in several river basins, to provide the best possible service and to meet the requirements of the water authority that uses AWQIS:
During the execution of this contract the aim is to encourage the use of AWQIS among the water authority's own staff during the course of their special interest area protection and warning activities, river patrols and water quality data management for actions related to the surveillance, control, authorisation and sanction of waste in the basin, as this is the ultimate purpose of AWQIS.
Depending on the nature of the work to be carried out, a distinction has been drawn between preventive, scheduled, corrective and other maintenance work, such as collecting samples following alarms, checking chemical parameters, implementing technological improvements, drafting reports and other types of documentation and keeping the inventory up-to-date, etc.
Maintenance tasks are performed on the different pieces of equipment making up the automatic water quality information system, such as infrastructure, electro-mechanical equipment, analysers, measuring sensors and control, transmission and supplementary equipment.
Taken as a whole, all of the work and services are aimed at ensuring that data obtained from the automatic warning stations correspond to water quality at each supervised point, as well as ensuring that data regarding the status of the installations and installed equipment is correct and monitor real variations in the river's measured parameters with the maximum accuracy permitted by the installed technique.