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June 10, 2020, España |

#NOMINASOLIDARIA is a campaign to support the Spanish Food Bank Federation that SICE wishes to collaborate with to guarantee that families have access to food

Nomina Solidaria

According to the Spanish Food Bank Federation (Federación Española de Bancos de Alimentos -FESBAL), in recent weeks they have registered an increase in the demand for food from the 7,300 social institutions that attended 1.1 million underprivileged people in the past year. In order to guarantee access to food for these people, FESBAL needs to stock up on basic foodstuffs and infant products (those in need include 41,000 nursing infants).

In response to this situation, Grupo SICE Tecnología y Sistemas has launched the #NominaSolidaria campaign to support the Spanish Food Bank Federation, through which each employee can decide if they wish to donate 5 or 10 euros from their next paycheck. The company pledges to match these cash donations.

The amount provided by the company is paid by the SICE Solidarity Fund against COVID-19, which was born from the donations of the SICE TyS executives, who have given part of their salary to this cause. 

The amount raised by the campaign will be donated to the 54 Spanish food banks, aiding FESBAL in their great efforts to give due response to the needs of the most vulnerable population. 

Nomina Solidaria