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April 20, 2020, Huesca, España |

SICE will implement the Emergency Plan of four Ebro dams

Presa de Valdiello

The Ebro Hydrographic Confederation (CHE) has awarded SICE two contracts for the implementation of the emergency plans of the Vadiello dams in the administrative territory of Loporzano, in Guara (in the administrative territory of Casbas), in Valdabra (in Huesca) and in Pena (in Valderrobles).

The dams in Pena, Valdabra and Vadiello have been classified according to their potential risk as “Category A”. The incorrect operation or failure of these dams could have a devastating effect on urban centers and essential services, and also cause extensive material damage and harm to the environment. The Guara dam is classified as “Category B”, the failure or incorrect operation of which could result in significant material damage, harm to the environment, and affect a small number of homes. These works are to comply with the provisions of the Guidelines for Civil Protection Planning to manage the risk of floods, and the Dam and Reservoir Safety Technical Regulations.

SICE will plan the construction of a new emergency room at the Vadiello dam, as well as the improvement and updating of the emergency rooms and existing communication systems at the other dams.

It will also install public warning systems in the areas around these dams, as well as in the neighboring towns of Valderrobles, Sipán and Almunia de Romeral.  This warning system will essentially consist of omnidirectional electronic sirens, including automated control systems, communications, gauges, etc.

These two projects, along with the projects for the implementation of emergency plans for the CHE at the Las Fitas Dam (Huesca) and for ACUAES at the Las Parras dam (Teruel) and the San Salvador dam (Huesca), have made SICE the leader in the implementation of emergency plans in the Ebro Basin.