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Shadow toll, management of traffic and tunnel management and control installations for EIX Diagonal: Vilanova I la Geltrú - Manresa

EIX Diagonal

The project consists of a shadow toll motorway between Vilanova i la Geltrú y Manresa, with an approximate length of 65 km, comprising sections that have been newly constructed and others where the existing highway has been refurbished and improved. 

It also includes 13 tunnels of different sizes, some existing and some newly constructed.



A list of tunnels follows:

  • Montgròs
  • Falso T. C. Bernada
  • C. Bernarda
  • Roca Foradada
  • Garrofer
  • Turró
  • Cabrera
  • Vallbona
  • Can Jorba
  • Sant Salvador
  • Montconill
  • Suanya
  • Morera 

The equipment to be installed includes: 

  • A shadow toll system (vehicle counting and classification, video verification and variable signage)
  • Tunnels (lighting and ventilation control, SOS posts, CCTV, fires, signage, public address, radio communications etc.)
  • Communications network
  • Control Centre

