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Control and communications systems for the Port of Miami Tunnel (POMT)

Puerto de Miami

Supply, installation, integration and commissioning of ITS systems, a SCADA system for tunnel control and monitoring and a communications system, including, among other features, 7 variable message panels, 61 PTZ cameras, an automatic incident detection system, an in-tunnel radio system and the communications network. 

The Port Of Miami Tunnel (POMT) is a P3 project aimed at providing a direct connection between the Port of Miami and I-395. The tunnel has a length of approximately 1200 m.


SICE is responsible for the control and communications section, including two control systems: 

  • ITS (Intelligent Transportation System)
  • SCADA (Supervisory, Control & Data Acquisition System) for the tunnel, as well as two communications systems
  • communications network
  • telephone system
  • Control centre hardware

SICE is also responsible for the installation of power and communications cabling between the electrical rooms and the equipment. 

Control and maintenance installations are distributed between the FDOT district 6 traffic management centre and two operations centres, one located on Watson Island and the other on Dodge Island

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