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VRUITS – Improving the safety and mobility of vulnerable road users through ITS applications

7th European Framework Programme

The VRUITS project, focusing on “vulnerable users”, aims to improve road safety and their mobility and comfort by integrating them as parts of ITS applications, in a similar way to vehicles, through V2I-I2V cooperative services.


The aim of this proposal is to make the SAFECROSS system (Smart Pedestrian Crossing for People with Reduced Mobility), developed by SICE, smarter, by integrating 3G/Wi-Fi mobile communications (802.11p) into the traffic regulator, so that vehicles can be warned about special situations occurring at the crossing, For example, at the lower crossing and during phase 1, the driver (street A) is allowed to turn right, but there may be pedestrians using the zebra crossing (street B). In this case, thanks to the SAFECROSS system and I2V communications, the vehicle that is about to manoeuvre can be told whether any pedestrians are crossing on street B, where there is no visibility. Alerts of this type can also be considered in a 36-communications environment using mobile phones, by subscribing to a Smart City–type service.


  • 7th EU Framework Programme (2007–2013) – Transport SST.2012.4.1-4
  • Duration: 2013–2016


Besides SICE, other participants in the VTT-led consortium include the technology centres TNO and CIDAUT and the firms PEEK Traffic and NXP.

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