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July 04, 2023, Talavera de la Reina, España |

Technological renovation works of the video surveillance system of the Talavera de la Reina City Council are completed

Talavera SICE

SICE has completed the contract for the Technological Renewal of CCTV Cameras (Closed Circuit Television), Hardware, Software and communications for the Municipal Traffic Video Surveillance System, awarded to the Spanish company by the Talavera de la Reina City Council.

The installed solution comes to solve the technical problems due to the obsolescence of the previous system, as well as to integrate new elements in the circuit. The improvements provided by the new technology, such as a higher resolution of the cameras, now capable of recognizing license plates and identifying people, allow the municipal Police to optimize its traffic control and accident investigation functions.

The installation of new cameras on the roads, as well as the renewal of the software and hardware in the Municipal Police Control Center, together with the installation of a new video wall for a correct visualization and monitoring of the images, have been financed in a 80% by the European Fund for Regional Development Feder, through the Plurirregional operational program of Spain 2014-2020, within the sustainable and integrated urban development strategy "Talavera 2017-2023".