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June 10, 2021, Madrid, Spain |

SICE implements the new access control system at Mercamadrid's Food Unit in Madrid (Spain)

Mercamadrid access toll

After the recent award by Mercamadrid, SICE will carry out the supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the access control management system of the Mercamadrid Food Unit, the largest distribution, marketing, processing and logistics platform for fresh food in Spain, in order to adapt the access management system to the current technological functional needs.

After a bidding process that included the evaluation of a prototype on one of the access lane at Mercamadrid's own facilities, on April 30, 2021, the Executive Committee of Mercamadrid, S.A. awarded SICE the renewal of its vehicle access control systems to the Food Unit with the aim of updating the operating systems, increasing the reliability of the system and the flow of vehicles through the premises, the reduction of breakdowns and the automation of the access lanes.

With the best results obtained, among all the candidates, in the tests carried out during 24 hours to analyze the reliability of the license plate reading system, and the reliability of the automatic vehicle classification system, SICE will implement its solution for conventional toll systems operating worldwide to guarantee the supply of all the elements that make up the new access system (software and hardware) in accordance with the specifications, its transport, assembly, installation, civil works, legalizations that may be required, commissioning and maintenance during the 5-year contract period. As part of the system maintenance work, SICE will be responsible for all preventive and corrective maintenance tasks for all the equipment and elements that make up the access control system, as well as any evolutionary maintenance that may be required for the incorporation of functionalities not included in the initial scope of the project.

The new access control system will manage in 3 different areas a total of 19 access lanes of different types, from manual lanes with weighing scales, to lanes dedicated to subscribed vehicles, or lanes incorporating automatic payment machines with cards and/or cash with change.

Likewise, the control center will be in charge of centrally managing the data and images generated by the lanes, storing them, carrying out the settlements, and transforming them for their exploitation. It will also be used to manage visits that have not been registered from the Mercamadrid WEB, manage exempted vehicles, subscribers, the declaration of goods, the lists of vehicles not authorized to access the Food Unit, and the management of frequent users.