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Toll, electronic toll, ITS and communication systems for the Atlacomulco-Maravatío stretch of road in Mexico

Peaje Atlacomulco - Maravatío

In October 2012, the Mexican operator OCACSA - SICE, S.A. of C.V. signed the contract with Banobras for the operation and maintenance of the 64 km length Atlacomulco - Maravatío road section. The contract, with an initial duration of 5 years (and several subsequent extensions), also included the renewal of the toll systems at the two existing toll plazas and the installation of an ITS System along the entire road section.

SICE carried out the complete design and elaboration of the executive project of the new systems, supervised at all times by the Contract Administrator Agent defined by Banobras; it carried out the supply, installation, commissioning, testing and maintenance of systems during the contract period. In addition, SICE designed and installed the communications network for data transmission of ITS and toll road equipment with their respectives control centers.

The works and systems implemented by SICE were:

  • Communication network civil works (ducting, manholes), laying of the fiber optic cable and installation of the communication equipment along the road section and buildings.
  • ITS Systems:
    • Road systems: dynamic signalling, CCTV, SOS emergency telephony, traffic data collection, meteorological data collection. Road equipment has power supply through solar panels and backup systems (batteries), allowing its autonomy in the power supply.
    • ITS Management Centre composed of application and database servers, operator workstations, ITS and CCTV management applications, videowall.
  • ETC and toll systems:
    • Toll lane level equipment and applications.
    • Toll plaza level equipment and applications.
    • Toll management center composed of applications, database, backoffice and audit servers, operation, supervision and audit operator workstatins, and backoffice and toll management applications.
