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July 31, 2020, España |

Platform Management and Operation on AWS for real-time traffic at the DGT


The Directorate General for Traffic (DGT) and, more specifically, the Sub-directorate for Mobility Management and Technology, has trusted in SICE for years as the manager and operator of the real-time traffic management systems in Spain, nationwide.

The important and critical nature of the real-time traffic platform, as well as its day to day impact on the lives of drivers and the DGT technicians at the domestic Traffic Management Centers, imply a high level of demand in terms of availability and constant technological evolution, with the goal of maintaining an excellent service.

Therefore, cloud solutions, specifically, Amazon Web Services (AWS) of which SICE is a consulting partner, meet the needs of this sort of installations and platforms at the DGT Sub-directorate for Mobility Management and Technology. Amazon Web Services is the global leader in cloud solutions and platforms, providing classic services and new technologies such as IoT, Machine Learning, BigData, etc., meaning that it’s services will be the basis for new solutions such as the DGT real-time traffic platform in the near future, for which SICE is currently responsible in terms of its maintenance, operation, and improvement.

On the one hand, SICE was responsible for the implementation, migration, and deployment of the eTraffic public information application, and is currently undertaking the improvement, maintenance and operation of this solution. Implemented over Amazon Web Services (AWS), this solution provides information on the incidents on the Spanish road network and harnesses the high availability of Amazon Web Services to provide a 24/7 service that is also flexible when there are surges in demand due to special operations, snow season, Easter holidays, or the Operation Straight of Gibraltar.

Furthermore, within the Amazon Web Services implementation plan within the Sub-directorate for Mobility Management and Technology., SICE provides maintenance of the GIS platform on AWS to render geographic services to the current systems, both in production and pre-production, and DGT technicians and clients, or even to the general public through applications such as