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September 21, 2017, Santiago de Chile, Chile |

SICE Chile is awarded a new telecommunications project for ENTEL, which aims at providing massive connectivity to residential customers


Entel has selected SICE for the execution of a new telecommunications project that includes outside plant and civil works. ENTEL GPON Vertical, the name of this project, has as main objective to equip a large number of Entel’s residential customers with fiber optic. The company considers that an average of 26 projects per week can be carried out with a constant and coordinated workflow between the different work teams.

This is particularly important project for SICE, not only because of its large size, but also because it strengthens the company's outstanding position in the telecommunications sector in the Andean country. SICE has maintained a close relationship with Entel for more than 8 years, supported by the good results obtained in the projects developed thanks to the added value that the company contributes both to civil works and customer service.