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HeERO 2 – Harmonized eCall European Pilot

7th European Framework Programme

The HeERO project fosters the widespread implementation of automatic emergency calls (eCall) in all member states.


The objective of the HeERO 2 project is to roll out a functioning eCall prototype. The European Commission has set 2015 as the new deadline for the eCall system to be installed in all new car and light-vehicle models. Basically, eCall consists of sensors on the vehicle that automatically trigger an eCall in the case of a serious accident. Once activated, the system on board the vehicle establishes a voice connection with the PASP. In Spain, the DGT (National Traffic Department) will act as the hub to filter the calls received at the “112” emergency centres. The information will also be forwarded to other bodies, such as the Civil Guard and Traffic Management Centres, to reduce the effects on road traffic.


  • 7th EU Framework Programme (2007–2013) – CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6
  • Duration: 2013–2014


The project, which is coordinated by ERTICO, brings together 44 entities, including SICE and the Spanish Traffic Department, coordinating the Spanish pilot.

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