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August 26, 2016, Morocco |

MOYANO will carry out a new multiplexer and FM antennas project for the SNRT

Multiplexores + antenas FM

Moyano Morocco has been awarded the project of the SNRT (the public broadcaster of Morocco) for the supply, installation and commissioning of FM multiplexers and theirs 40KW, 20 KW and 10KW accessories, as well as of the FM antennas systems and their accessories

The project consists in the installation of FM radiant systems in 28 centres of the SNRT in Morocco and multiplexers in other 20 centres. This is a major project, since after its implementation one of the most priority objectives of the government will be accomplished: to create new FM services for each one of the 16 Moroccan regions, providing each region with its own FM channel.

During this awarding MOYANO has taken exhaustive tests. In the technical phase, it has been included among the six final companies, being one of the few international ones that made the cut. The selection was made on the basis of a previous list where Spanish, German, Italian or American companies were included. In this phase, MOYANO has been “suitable” in all aspects, some as important as the material quality, the service quality and the company’s know-how to conduct such installations.

Lastly, in the economical phase, MOYANO has been the most competitive company among the 6 selected companies.