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February 14, 2020, Stockholm, Sweden |

SICE obtains its first contract with Region Stockholm


The extension of the metro in the city of Stockholm plays a major role within the framework of the ambitious infrastructure investment plan jointly approved by the city of Stockholm, the surrounding municipalities and the Swedish state. The region of Stockholm is nowadays one of the fastest growing metropolis in Europe, and its population is estimated to reach 2.6 million inhabitants by 2025. Therefore, it becomes important to progressively adapt the existing infrastructures to the current and future needs of the users of the public transport network.

The Extended Metro Administration (FUT), within Region Stockholm, is leading the extension of up to 30 km of new tracks, as well as 18 new stations, with the purpose to shorten the distances within the city inasmuch as the capital of the country grows larger and larger.

The scope of works within the contract awarded to SICE, through its Swedish subsidiary SICE Nordics AB, includes the design, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the security systems that shall guarantee the safety of the stakeholders on-site while the construction works of the new tunnels are ongoing. In particular, SICE will be responsible for the systems in the geographical areas associated to the extension of the yellow line (moving northwards from Odenplan to Arenastaden, including 3 new stations) and the blue line (westwards from Akalla to Barbarby).

These are the technical systems that are to be delivered by SICE:

  • TETRA radio communications;
  • Access control, positioning and alarms system;
  • Communication network.

The philosophy behind this particular contract is to ensure the safety of the personnel working on-site, by monitoring in real time who enters or leaves the working areas, as well as continuously controlling the location of the workers in the facilities.

This is the first contract signed between SICE and Region Stockholm, which is one of the major players involved in the ambitious infrastructure development plan approved in the transportation sector for the next decade in Sweden. As such, this is a strategic award for our company as this contract consolidates the presence of SICE Nordics in the next years in a country where the company is currently delivering another major contract: the implementation of the traffic systems within the Stockholm Bypass (Förbifarten Stockholm: FSE904), which was awarded to SICE by Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) in 2018.

The main challenges that SICE will have to overcome in order to successfully deliver the recently awarded contract are, among others, the tight schedule between the contract award and the installation of the first systems; the coordination with international construction companies; or the importance of implementing these relevant technical systems in such critical infrastructure as tunnels in construction.

All in all, SICE will take part in the extension of the metro in Stockholm with the intention to contribute with our long experience in tunnel safety management to the successful implementation of another relevant contract in a city in continuous growth.